The Altar Circle
Along with making sure the appropriate liturgical colors are displayed on the alter, this group displays seasonal decoration in the sanctuary.
Contact Mrs. Ernestine Sams for information.
The Bereavement Committee
Provides comfort to families in the time of death; assists with the obituary, the funeral programs and food fo r the repast. Contact Mrs. Ernestine Sams
for information.
Contact Committee
This telephone committee makes members of the congregation aware of events of an emergency nature, i.e., funerals, etc. Contact Ms. Rose Blair for
information. |
Christian Education Ministry
Responsible for the directing/advising for Christian training events. It seeks to present to the church systematic Bible centered, life-centered
activities. Contact Rev. Alice Gilmer for information.
The Metro-Lites
Serves as a source of support for memebers in the time of illness or death. Christian fellowship is also a part of this auxiliary. Contact Mrs. Frances
Underwood for information.
Sunday School
Provides a systematic study of the Holy Bible. Classes are organized to accommodate learners of all age groups. Sunday School meets on Sunday from
9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Contact Sis. Holly Windom for information.
Ushers Ministry
Ushers greet worshippers on Sunday and all other services, insure that all worship aids (hymnals, worship bulletins, offering envelopes) are in place.
Ushers also gather offering. There are two groups of adult ushers. The contact person for Usher Board #1 is Sis. Helen Glover. The contact person for
Usher Board #2 is Ms. Naomi Taylor.
The Vantella Robinson Auxiliary
Provides Christian socialization for its members. The group sponsors several activities during the year, as well as spiritual support to members. Contact Sis. Eva Robinson for information.
Willing Workers
Members are dedicated to seeking out enterprises that will provide financial support to the church.
Men's Ministries
Follow this link for information about the Men's Ministries. |
Music Ministries
Follow this link for information about the Music Ministries.
Outreach Ministries
Follow this link for informaton about the Outreach Ministries.
Women's Ministries
Follow this link for information about the Women's Ministries.
Youth Ministries
Follow this link for information about the Youth Ministries.