Dear Friends:
Fall comes upon us quickly and with many changes. Summer activities wind down, the school year begins and we get ready for the
busy holiday season. With all this on our plates it is easy to ignore our personal spiritual growth. This newsletter comes with
help to keep you on track and to grow your faith in these changing times.
We invite you to come to our annual Christian Education Seminar series where the dynamic teaching will leave you inspired.
Yours sincerely,
Rev. Billy J. Hill, Pastor and
Mrs. Holly Windom, Director of Christian Education
From September 12 to September 14, join us at Metropolitan every evening starting at 5:30pm. There are classes for all ages and
church membership is not required. Please come and bring a friend. Classes are designed to apply to the concerns of our time. They
include topics such as Spiritual Gifts, Stewardship and Evangelism.
Study to show thyself approved, as instructed in 2 Tim 2:15. Come, Grow and Go with your faith beyond the walls of the church. To
register click the button below to access our secure registration form.

Come and help us start this week as we break bread together on Sunday, 9/11/2016 at 8:30am.
Don't forget to check the box for Breakfast on the registration form.
Visit our website at www.mbcdetroit.org to see the rest of our programming.
�2011 Metropolitan Baptist Church | 13110 Fourteenth Street, Detroit, MI 48238 | Phone: 313-869-6676